Commercial Projects
Pro Draft Inc. for Commercial Projects
It’s all about dollars and sense. Making the most of your new or current office, shop or store is key. Better efficiency saves money. Keep your showrooms alive with versatile displays and layouts. We can help you dial in an ideal custom layout for your business with our 3-D modeling technology.

Project Planning & Assessment
Here Pro Draft Inc. we do a lot of commercial projects. Whether were working behind the scenes for other architectural firms or were the principal firm for the project we find ourselves involved in some capacity in many major projects here in Hawaii.
International and domestic airports:
Aircraft hangars, terminals, executive lounges, cargo facilities, restaurants and retail shops
Shopping malls and office/retail buildings:
New construction and tenant improvements, restaurants, bars, art galleries, high-end retail, and financial institutions
Public and vocational trade schools:
Classrooms, maintenance facilities, administration offices, common areas, fire protection systems, parking solutions.
Hospitals and Medical buildings:
Multistory facilities, mixed occupancy, planning and workflow solutions, access and egress solutions, parking solutions
Residential subdivisions and developments:
Planning Dept approvals and zoning variances, EIS environmental impact studies, and solutions for infrastructure requirements.

Architecture for Homeowners
Pro Draft Inc. is a full-service architectural firm. If you’re looking for this experience please click here. We do so much of this work we’ve created a special section in our website just for it.

Permit Expediting for commercial projects:
We also do a lot of permit expediting for commercial projects. This can be especially helpful if the firms involved are not located in Hawaii. In most cases there are a number of firms involved in any given project. Coordinating revisions through the various engineers and architects and keeping them up-to-date with the current local building codes can be very helpful indeed.

Project management for commercial projects:
Pro Draft Inc. provides project management for commercial projects large and small.
When it comes to commercial projects it’s all about the construction schedule. Keeping projects on track can be a real challenge in Hawaii. It is after all one of the most remote places on earth. Those of us who live and work in Hawaii become accustomed to these challenges over time. This experience proves to be invaluable time and time again for our commercial project customers.

Green Building & Design for Commercial Project:
Pro Draft Inc. does a lot of green building and LEED certification projects. If you’re interested in going green with your commercial project you have come to the right place.
Whether it’s a KFC built with ACC or an 80,000 square-foot parking structure with a green roof we have the experience and resources to take it as far as you want to go. Course going green is more than just bragging rights these days. It actually saves your business money month after month, making your business more durable in an uncertain economy.

General Contractor and Sub-Contractor Services
if you’re looking for licensed and bonded professionals for your commercial job than you have come to the right place. Pro Draft Inc. has contractor resources on all islands throughout Hawaii. We know how important it is to get your commercial project done on time and on budget. Bringing the right manpower and equipment to bear on your project is key. If you need to augment your existing crew to meet construction schedule deadlines, feel free to give us a call anytime. After all when it comes to commercial projects “time is money”.
If you’re starting a commercial project or you have one in the works that’s running into trouble Contact Pro Draft Inc. we are here to help.