Building a home in Maui is easier said than done. It’s a long process that begins with an idea and a budget, and eventually becomes your home in one of the most beautiful climates in the US.
One of the many moving parts of the machine is the multiple permits required to make it all happen. There are a series of permits for different pieces of the structure before you can move in and begin your new life there. Fortunately, we have a handle on the permits and understand the process for getting them.
So what kind of permits will you need? We’ll explain the common ones here.
The Building Permit
It’s the cornerstone of every construction project. The Building Permit is required for:
- Building a new structure
- Remodeling, renovating or repairing an existing one
- Moving a structure
- Demolishing a structure
- Using a structure
The building permit is issued by the Public Works, Development Services Administration Division (DSA).
Grading & Grubbing Permit
If you’re planning anything that requires the removal of plants, shrubs, trees, or other vegetation, you’ll need one of these. Similarly, this permit is also required for moving and/or temporary storage of rocks, gravel, sand, soil, or anything similar. The grading and the grubbing permit is also issued by the Public Works, Development Services Administration Division (DSA), and there are some exemptions available. You can review the permit application here.
Electrical Permit
Faulty electrical can lead to a house fire. In the US, there are approximately 24,000 electrical fires every year. Electrical permits require inspections to ensure that installations are done correctly in compliance with local and national standards, and to ensure the safety of the structure for the occupants. Another aspect is for the county and state to regulate and inspect the qualifications of installers.
Fire Protection Permit
You’ll need one of these to install smoke and fire alarms, sprinkler systems, water mains, and fire hydrants to protect your home and everyone in it. This permit is submitted to the Department of Fire and Public Safety, Fire Prevention Bureau. The agency includes investigations, code enforcement, plan reviewing, and preventing fires before they hurt people and damage properties.
Plumbing Permit
Similar to the electrical permit, you’ll need this permit for either new or retrofitted installations. The permit also offers minimum standards and requirements for “the protection of public health, safety, and welfare.” Both the proposed plans and the final installations for both plumbing and gas are inspected to make sure they are in compliance with both local municipal codes as well as the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) as amended.
Driveway Permit
Yes, you even need a permit for a driveway. If your home includes the building of a new driveway or the repair, reconstruction or removal of a driveway on a county roadway, this permit is required. Review the application here.
Certificate Of Occupancy
Once your home is move-in ready, you’ll need one of these. Issued by the same DSA, the Certificate of Occupancy before you can finally move in. You’ll submit a copy to each agency after the individual agency requirements are completed.
There may be other required permits depending on your home’s design, the land you’re building on, and the location. Check with your architect or builder to make sure that you have all the proper permits needed to complete your building project. You can find a list of all the possible permits you’ll need here on our website.
Get Help From Pro Draft With All Of Your Construction Permit Needs
Building or renovating on Maui is a complicated process with multiple permits required. Pro Draft can help with architecture, drawings, blueprints, permits, and answer all of your questions before the first day of construction. Call Pro Draft today at (808) 579-9050 or 1-800-499-4699 from the Mainland.